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Presentation style
You can choose either oral presentation or on-demand video presentation at MIPE2022. The oral presentation can be presented both onsite and online. For details, please refer to the following.
Oral presentation
All oral presentations will be held onsite and online.
Presenters can choose onsite/online when submitting the extended abstract and change the choice afterward.
Details of the online oral presentation method will be announced later.
Presenters are required to complete the registration before the presentation.
On-demand video presentation
Presenters who choose the on-demand video presentation must submit a 5–10-minute video in addition to the extended abstract.
The deadline and instructions for uploading the video will be announced later.
You can use the question box on the video viewing website for questions and answers.
Presenters are required to complete the registration by August 28, 2022 (JST).
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